I talked about the arenas in Clash Royale about The Training Camp, Arena 1 and 2. I also explained the cards in the Arena.
These are the arenas that I explained:
The Training Camp
Common: Arrow, Bomber, Archer, KnightEpic: Prince, Baby Dragon, Skeleton Army, Witch
Arena 1
Goblin Stadium
Common: Spear Goblin, Goblin
Rare: Goblin Hut, Valkyrie
Epic: Lightning Spell, Goblin Barrel
Best cards: Goblin,Valkyrie, Goblin Barrel
Arena 2
Bone Pit
Common: Skeleton, Minions
Rare: Tombstone, Bomb Tower
Epic: Giant Skeleton, Balloon
Best Cards: Minions, Bomb Tower, Balloon
If you want to know why they are in the common, rare or epic card, or why I chose the card to be the best, please refer to the previous tutorial for more Training Camp to Arena 2 information. Thanks for your corporation!!
Arena 3, this is where the challenge started. Only 20% of the players are weak. You must be careful that how you battle!These are the cards you can get when you're in Arena 3(go horizontal):
In Arena 3 people will spawn rage spell on the strong troops. For example, they will spawn Prince first and then the rage spell. The Prince will sprint faster and hit your crown tower. Why not spawn a "meat shield"- Giant? The rage spell will eventually run out and the Prince is no longer rage. If the opponent spawns a X bow, spawn your strongest troop in your deck because X bow need 3 seconds to ready and attack(it is so slow that you can see a turtle passed by...).
Arena 4
Arena 4, a P.E.K.K.A. that full with dangerous looking lava, you need to have 1100 trophies and above to reach there. These people are stronger than the Arena 3 people, you must be good in troop managing!These are the cards that you can get in Arena 4(go horizontal, again!):
Arena 3 to 4
Arena 3
- Canon- shoots weak troop quickly
- Barbarians- 4 good melee troops
- Rocket- Launching a missile to the air and have high damage.
- Barbarian Hut- Spawns 2 barbarians every 14 seconds!
- Rage Spell- Speed the troops so they can damage the crown tower or the troops more.
- X bow- Shooting deadly arrows quickly and able to shoot the crown or King tower.
The 3 best cards...
Epic |
Common |
Arena 3 Strategy

- Prince and Rage spell- Damage the crown tower a lot better
- X bow and Witch- The witch will guard the X bow while the X bow loads...
- Bomber and Barbarians- Barbarians will distract the crown tower while the bomber throw the bombs!
- Your combination- post your combination in the comment below and give the reason!!
Arena 4
- Tesla- It only appears when your troops go close to it!
- Minion Horde- 6 minions attack at a time, how cool is that!
- Inferno Tower- Hot lava laser that shoots air troops too!
- Hog Rider- Just keep running and shout:"HOG RIDER!!"
- Freeze spell- freeze troops or buildings in the area. Frosty...
- P.E.K.K.A.- Could say the main character of the arena. High damage(700 per hit!).
Rare |
Epic |
The 3 strongest cards....