In Clash Royale, you need to go higher arenas to collect more cards. In this post, I will show you the Arenas from the Training camp to Arena 2 and the cards you can get from there. The Training Camp
- Arrows- Good at killing weak troops, e.g. Archers, Goblins, Skeleton, Skeleton Army and more.
- Bomber- Good at dealing area damage.
- Archers- Can harm air troops and fast.
- Knight: Long health and quite decent attack.
- Fireball: Good at damaging the crown tower.
- Mini P.E.K.K.A.- High melee damage
- Musketeer- Damage both air and land troops.
- Giant- Great at defending and distracting.
- Prince- Good when he sprints(the damage doubles!).
- Baby Dragon- Good at dealing area damage.
- Skeleton Army- They will surround the enemy and kill it.
- Witch- Spawn 3 skeletons whenever she wants!
As you see the edge of the card have some colours. The edge with no colour are common cards. Orange are rare, and purple is epic!
Epic |
Training Camp Strategy
This where you started playing with people(Multiplayer!), and you must be extra careful because you will get your trophies deducted and YES there are trophies in Clash Royale. You will get maximum 30 trophies and you also be deducted by 29 trophies the most.These are the cards(go in horizontal way!):
- Spear goblin- They can throw spears from far away and it is harder to be killed by melee troops.
- Goblin: Like Spear goblin, but they are melee attackers. High damage if hit by three of them!
- Goblin Hut- Spawn a goblin every 5 seconds!
- Valkyrie- Spins around and kills surrounded enemies easily, e.g. Skeleton Army.
- Lightning Spell- Damage the crown tower a lot
- Goblin Barrel- Spawn this anywhere in the arena!
Epic |
The 3 strongest cards...
Common |
Rare |
Arena 1 strategy
- Prince and Goblin Barrel- Prince distracts the crown tower while goblins, ATTACK!!!
- Prince and Mini P.E.K.K.A.- They have high melee damage!
- Prince and Valkyrie- If the opponent spawns Skeleton Army, Valkyrie will do the job!
- Giant and Goblin Barrel- Giant has long health and can take the damage of the crown tower while again goblins, ATTACK!!!
- Bomber, Archers and Goblins- They are all cheap!!
- Your Combination- Comment Below and say why!!
Arena 2
- Skeleton- It only cost 1 elixir!
- Minions- They are fast and the more minions there are, the higher the damage!
- Tombstone-Spawn 1 skeleton in 3 seconds, and spawn 4 skeletons after breaking the tombstone
- Bomb Tower- Great area damage
- Giant Skeleton- Drops a bomb when dead.
- Balloon- Not bothering other troops and drops a bomb when dead.
Epic |
Rare |
Arena 2 strategy
In Arena 2, the players get smarter. And you, YES it is your chance to shine yourself from the darkness. Think outside the box. How can I killed the skeletons, skeleton army and minions with one shot? The only way is to just spawn a 3 elixir arrows to kill them all. If your deck have no arrows, try to use the 4 elixir Valkyrie. Just a few spins and all dead(the crown tower will do the job of killing the minions!). Then how do I stop the balloon to attack my crown tower? Think all the air troops and land troops that can killed him. It is Witch and Musketeer! They both can kill the balloon because of their high damage caused to the balloon! Mini P.E.K.K.A. also could kill the Giant Skeleton!!
- Prince and Balloon- The Prince distracts the crown tower and balloon can do high damage to the crown tower. ATTACK!!!
- Giant and balloon- Giant can distract the crown tower too and balloon do high damage. ATTACK!!
- Minions, goblin, Goblin barrel- they are too many to kill them all!
- Skeleton, Spear Goblin, Goblin, Minions- they are also too many to kill them
- Your Combination- Comment below and say why!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I am going to finish this topic:"Arenas and Cards" in about 3 more posts. Make sure to be excited for it!!
Anyway, Thanks for reading my post.!!!
Peace Out!
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