I had continue the topic about Arena and Cards. Hope you all like it. This is the third post about it. These two are the Arenas that I have explained.
Barbarian Bowl
Common: Cannon, Barbarians
Rare: Rocket, Barbarian Hut
Epic: Rage Spell, X bow
Best cards: Barbarians, Rocket, Rage Spell.
Arena 4
P.E.K.K.A Playhouse
Common: Tesla, Minion Horde
Rare: Inferno Tower, Hog Rider
Epic: Freeze Spell, P.E.K.K.A.
Best Cards: Minion Horde, Hog Rider, Freeze Spell
If you want to know why they are in the common, rare or epic card, or why I chose the card to be the best, please refer to the previous tutorial for more Arena 3 and 4 information. Thanks for your corporation!!
Arena 5 and 6
Arena 5(Spell Valley)

- Zap- Stop the enemies's movement for a while.
- Wizard- Deals good area damage.
- Mirror- Copies the previous card the had deployed.
The 3 best cards...
It is obvious that which is the best. Zap is good because it stops the enemies's movement for a while so the other troop attack them. Wizard is good if the opponent spawns skeleton army and he can just blow them up. Mirror is good because that it can copy the previous card that had deployed. If we spawn a giant and a mirror card, we have two giants as our meat shield!
Arena 5 Strategy
- Giant and Mirror- As I said, if we deployed these two troops cards, we had a great defense and we could deploy a strong troop for example P.E.K.K.A.
- P.E.K.K.A. and Mirror- You have two P.E.K.K.A., isn't that cool??
- P.E.K.K.A and Wizard- In case they deploy skeleton army and our wizard can just blow them up!!
- Your Combination- Comment down below and give a reason why it is good!!??
This this a video from a YouTube Channel called "Ash Clash of Clans".
Arena 6(Builder's Workshop)
- Mortar: High damage and can kill small troops ,e.g. Skeleton Army.
- Elixir: If you want to get Elixir, spend elixir...
- Golem: He can split himself into two when died. Keep Going, Golem!! And Golemites...
The 3 best cards
Arena 6 strategy
Golem is good because of his splitting technique. So we use the advantage- Long Life. You can deploy a Golem for defense like Giant but because of the Golem's secret technique, he has longer life if you include the small Golems than Giant. So why not deploy a high damage troop like P.E.K.K.A. at the back of the Golem?? The buildings need defense, why not guard a building with a building(lol)?? Deploy a elixir collector and a cannon. You will have a great defense! If you are afraid that they attack the two buildings with an air troop like Baby Dragon(Most of the people won't use Baby dragon in Arena 6)or Minions, another strategy is to spawn a Tesla to protect the elixir collector. Don't worry of the speed of Tesla, it is quite fast and useful!!
- Golem and P.E.K.K.A.- Golem had long health and P.E.K.K.A. just keep attacking the tower. BE STEADY!!
- Tesla and Elixir Collector- QOTY(Quote of the Year): "The buildings need defense, why not guard a building with a building??"
- Valkyrie/Wizard and Golem- In case they deployed skeleton army, again the Valkyrie or Wizard will help(But because of human intelligence is better than animals, they will spawn Minion Horde, so use Wizard!!)
- Your Combination- As I said, our human intelligence is higher than animals, you yes it is you! Your job is to comment your combination below. Because I am a human, I also have good intelligence, so don't just give a combination without a reason!
This is video from YouTube. The name of this channel is "Ash-Clash of Clans&Clash Royale". Make sure to check his YouTube channel!!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I am going to finish this topic:"Arenas and Cards" in 1 more post talking about Arena 7 and the LEGENDARY ARENA!! Make sure to be excited for it!!
Anyway, Thanks for reading my post.!!!
Peace Out!
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