Thursday 30 June 2016

Clash Royale Tutorial #7 *The New Update?!(Part 1)*

The New Update?!
Hello guys today yup, Clash Royale have some new updates! It can be updated long time ago, but I only talk about it now. I bet you guys knew the update but here I am going to tell the people that do not know the update and talk about it more for the people who knew the update but wanted to know more!

New Cards?!
This is the lava hound, it is expensive because a level 1 lava hound have already 2900 hitpoints!! He is most likely a Golem,spurting out his little lava pups(8!) when he died!

This is a fire spirit, when you deployed it, you have three of them! They look cute and they do splash damage. The only bad thing of these guys are that they sacrifice themselves to attack the enemy!

This is a Miner.It is some sort of Goblin Barrel but better and cheaper. It mines through the arena and appear where you want to! Cool Right? It may seems bad but it mines underground to the arena and people may not notice his presence and forget to defend!

This is a Sparky. it is good to kill high damage troops, for example giant. Besides, he can easily kill away skeleton army and any troops that have long health or troops that have large quantity. It looks cool and nice, but there are 2 disadvantages, they are they can't attack air troops and need to charge for a long time to attack.

This a furnace, it is a spawner like a Barbarian Hut and Goblin Hut but they are cheaper(but the tombstone is the cheapest among all spawner!).
The Furnace spawns 2 fire spirit per time. The fire spirits can kill anything, this card is mostly defensive.Below you can see how you can damage them! 

This is a Skeleton Guard. They are 3 skeletons with shields. Cool right? You must break their shields first in order to kill the skeletons. The bad thing about them is that you can kill them with Zap. You might think 'What??' But this is true because once you zap them, their shield is gone and the crown tower then kill them with her majestic and beautiful and powerful arrow!

Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
I will continue this topic because it is a long topic and I personally like it too. I will talk about the updates to the old cards next post! So make sure to be excited for it!!

Anyway, Thanks for reading my post.!!!

Peace Out!

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