The New Update?! Hello guys today yup, Clash Royale have some new updates! It can be updated long time ago, but I only talk about it now. I bet you guys knew the update but here I am going to tell the people that do not know the update and talk about it more for the people who knew the update but wanted to know more! New Cards?! This is the lava hound, it is expensive because a level 1 lava hound have already 2900 hitpoints!! He is most likely a Golem,spurting out his little lava pups(8!) when he died! This is a fire spirit, when you deployed it, you have three of them! They look cute and they do splash damage. The only bad thing of these guys are that they sacrifice themselves to attack the enemy! This is a Miner.It is some sort of Goblin Barrel but better and cheaper. It mines through the arena and appear where you want to! Cool Right? It may seems bad but it mines underground to the arena and people may not notice his presence and forget to defend!
This is a Sparky. it is good to kill high damage troops, for example giant. Besides, he can easily kill away skeleton army and any troops that have long health or troops that have large quantity. It looks cool and nice, but there are 2 disadvantages, they are they can't attack air troops and need to charge for a long time to attack. This a furnace, it is a spawner like a Barbarian Hut and Goblin Hut but they are cheaper(but the tombstone is the cheapest among all spawner!). The Furnace spawns 2 fire spirit per time. The fire spirits can kill anything, this card is mostly defensive.Below you can see how you can damage them!
This is a Skeleton Guard. They are 3 skeletons with shields. Cool right? You must break their shields first in order to kill the skeletons. The bad thing about them is that you can kill them with Zap. You might think 'What??' But this is true because once you zap them, their shield is gone and the crown tower then kill them with her majestic and beautiful and powerful arrow! Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
I will continue this topic because it is a long topic and I personally like it too. I will talk about the updates to the old cards next post! So make sure to be excited for it!!
Clash Royale Tutorial *Decks*!! Whats Up, people! Today I am going to talk about DECKS! This is an awesome and cool topic to talk about. I am going to teach you, YES it is you how to arrange your decks and the decks are cool, low average elixirs(about 3 elixir only!!). But SOMETIMES(let me emphasis the word SOMETIMES, NOT always)expensive decks can win! So let's get started!! From the training camp to arena 3(actually you could use in any arena, just play smartly!!), this is the best deck I could find. It is good because we can have our Giant as a meat shield, and we can spawn weak troops behind the Giant. Weak troops like Goblins, Spear goblins, bomber and archer can have really have damage if they won't die so easily. So we can use the meat shield!! This is a video is by GodSon and it is to show how to use this technique- meat shield-effectively!
Arena 4 - 6 deck!!
In Arena 4-6, it is better to us the Inferno Tower card because opponents may deploy troops like Giant, Balloon or Hog Rider and we can just have our Inferno Tower there to kill them Giant or Balloon can't even touch them, unfortunately Hog Rider can hit 1 time of the Inferno Tower(Never Mind, only 1 time, better than 2 times!).
Arena 7 deck
As I mention in the previous post, there is no Arena 8 cards. But I hope that there is an update to Clash Royale for more cards and add card to Arena 8! In Arena 7, we better use the card Zap in our deck. Because many people like to use Minion Horde in their deck. We can just instantly kill the Minion Horde with a Zap and they wasted their 5 elixirs! Remember to laugh at them!!
This is a video by Jewish Lewish and he will teach you more about Zapping!!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
Sorry that it is a quite short topic but I hope you all get the information you wanted. I will start another new topic. Make sure to check out!!
Previously in Clash Royale Tutorial #4... I had continue the topic about Arena and Cards. This is the last post, finally!! But I will continue with other topics and be ready and excited. So this is the last post!! Hope you like it!! These two arenas are the arenas I had explained(Arena 5 and 6):
Arena 5
Spell Valley
Common: Zap Rare: Wizard Epic: Mirror Best Cards: Zap, Wizard and Mirror
Arena 6 Builder Workshop (sorry I can't adjust the picture to this page. Please click the sentence above to see arena 6 cards!!Sorry!) Common: Mortar Rare: Elixir Collector Epic: Golem
If you want to know why they are in the common, rare or epic card, or why I chose the card to be the best, please refer to the previous tutorial for more Arena 5 and 6 information. Thanks for your cooperation!!
Arena 7 !!
Arena 7(Royal Arena)
In Arena 7, things get more interesting!!There a extra rarity card: Legendary card. They are crystal in shape. They are good and cheap!! These are the cards you can get in Arena 7(GO HORIZONTALLY!!):
Royal Giant- Like a Giant, he is a guy with a enormous cannon.
Three Musketeer- Three smart Musketeers, shooting down the crown towers!!(it rhymes!!)
Dark Prince- He is a Prince with a shield, cool right?
Princess- A three elixir archer that shoots lots of arrows. You can replace arrows with her(Arrows:WHY ME?!)
Ice Wizard- He can slow you down, and he can instantly kill skeleton army!!
The 4(with legendary) best cards... This arena had 5 cards and 4 types of rarity, and the 4 best cards are..The three Musketeers, Dark Prince, Princess and the Ice Wizard. Royal Giant is not bad but it is too expensive, 6 elixir for one! And his damage is 40 per second, He is as slow as Giant. The good thing about him is his health is longer than the Giant and his a long range attack troop. The three Musketeers are like Musketeers but three of them!They can shoot a crown tower if there is no defense. Dark Prince had a shield but his shield only had 200 hit-points for level 1. but it will increase as the level is higher! Princess is a good troop because the crown towers can't even shoot her! Awesome right? An Ice wizard can even kill minion horde(seriously, he can!) , he can slow down their attack and kill them eventually. Arena 7 Strategy The good thing of the Royal Giant is the health is too long!! So we use the advantage to cover the disadvantage(lol)! We deployed the Royal Giant in front and three musketeers at the back! if you have the Mirror you can have two Royal Giant in the front and three Musketeers at the back OR you can have SIX Musketeers and a Royal Giant! Princess and Ice Wizard had great splash/area damage. You can deployed them with a Dark Prince! I bet they won't even try to spawn Minion horde or Skeleton Army(except if they are a noob) because Princess and Ice Wizard can just splash them with their wonderful and marvelous splash damage!
Royal Giant and Three Musketeers- Good, Very Good. but the bad thing is that too EXPENSIVE!! :'(
Your Combination- Please comment down below and say the reason!!
This is a video from Youtube talking about how to get to Arena 7!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I had finish this topic! Yeh! I will talk about others! No Arena 8 because there are no cards in Arena 8!
Previously... I had continue the topic about Arena and Cards. Hope you all like it. This is the third post about it. These two are the Arenas that I have explained.
Arena 3
Barbarian Bowl
Common: Cannon, Barbarians
Rare: Rocket, Barbarian Hut
Epic: Rage Spell, X bow
Best cards: Barbarians, Rocket, Rage Spell.
Arena 4
P.E.K.K.A Playhouse
Common: Tesla, Minion Horde
Rare: Inferno Tower, Hog Rider
Epic: Freeze Spell, P.E.K.K.A.
Best Cards: Minion Horde, Hog Rider, Freeze Spell
If you want to know why they are in the common, rare or epic card, or why I chose the card to be the best, please refer to the previous tutorial for more Arena 3 and 4 information. Thanks for your corporation!!
Arena 5 and 6
Arena 5(Spell Valley) In Arena 5, you need more brain to deal with opponents. So why not change your battle deck a bit? It may change your battle conditions! There are only 3 cards in in Arena 5, so you can have a higher chance to collect them all! These are the cards(go horizontal and ignore the top cards...): Common:
Zap- Stop the enemies's movement for a while.
Wizard- Deals good area damage.
Mirror- Copies the previous card the had deployed.
The 3 best cards...
It is obvious that which is the best. Zap is good because it stops the enemies's movement for a while so the other troop attack them. Wizard is good if the opponent spawns skeleton army and he can just blow them up. Mirror is good because that it can copy the previous card that had deployed. If we spawn a giant and a mirror card, we have two giants as our meat shield! Arena 5 Strategy The bad thing is if the opponent zap our troops. We can't do anything. Our troop stops and their troop attack us. But actually Zap is good if we deploy lots of troop and the opponent spawn a good troop, we can zap their troop and their troop get attacked by our troop and so we can't be attacked. Mirror is good as for the example above we will have two meat shields.After having the two meat shields we can deploy stronger troops at the back of the two of them. Wizard splashes his beautiful fireball at the troops. It will kill vulnerable troops quickly, for example skeletons. Combinations:
Giant and Mirror- As I said, if we deployed these two troops cards, we had a great defense and we could deploy a strong troop for example P.E.K.K.A.
P.E.K.K.A. and Mirror- You have two P.E.K.K.A., isn't that cool??
P.E.K.K.A and Wizard- In case they deploy skeleton army and our wizard can just blow them up!!
Your Combination- Comment down below and give a reason why it is good!!??
This this a video from a YouTube Channel called "Ash Clash of Clans".
Arena 6(Builder's Workshop)
Congratulations, if you have enter Arena 6!! You had experience lots more of difficulties. You need 1700 trophies to enter Arena 6, crazy right?? Okay, the cards are(go horizontal):
Mortar: High damage and can kill small troops ,e.g. Skeleton Army.
Elixir: If you want to get Elixir, spend elixir...
Golem: He can split himself into two when died. Keep Going, Golem!! And Golemites...
The 3 best cards
Again, there is only three cards in this arena. Cheer up because there is a higher possibility that you can collect good cards such as Golem. Golem is good because when a troop goes to the crown and die, he or she or it die. However, Golem die and split into two!! Elixir collector can gives you 1 elixir in 10 seconds, the lifetime is up to 1 minutes(If they do NOT touch your elixir collector..)!! So you could roughly get 11 elixir if you deploy a 5 elixir Elixir Collector! You earn 6 elixirs!Mortar is a great building for dealing area damage! Barbarians? For mortar is like a piece of cake!
Arena 6 strategy
Golem is good because of his splitting technique. So we use the advantage- Long Life. You can deploy a Golem for defense like Giant but because of the Golem's secret technique, he has longer life if you include the small Golems than Giant. So why not deploy a high damage troop like P.E.K.K.A. at the back of the Golem?? The buildings need defense, why not guard a building with a building(lol)?? Deploy a elixir collector and a cannon. You will have a great defense! If you are afraid that they attack the two buildings with an air troop like Baby Dragon(Most of the people won't use Baby dragon in Arena 6)or Minions, another strategy is to spawn a Tesla to protect the elixir collector. Don't worry of the speed of Tesla, it is quite fast and useful!! Combinations
Golem and P.E.K.K.A.- Golem had long health and P.E.K.K.A. just keep attacking the tower. BE STEADY!!
Tesla and Elixir Collector- QOTY(Quote of the Year): "The buildings need defense, why not guard a building with a building??"
Valkyrie/Wizard and Golem- In case they deployed skeleton army, again the Valkyrie or Wizard will help(But because of human intelligence is better than animals, they will spawn Minion Horde, so use Wizard!!)
Your Combination- As I said, our human intelligence is higher than animals, you yes it is you! Your job is to comment your combination below. Because I am a human, I also have good intelligence, so don't just give a combination without a reason!
This is video from YouTube. The name of this channel is "Ash-Clash of Clans&Clash Royale". Make sure to check his YouTube channel!!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I am going to finish this topic:"Arenas and Cards" in 1 more post talking about Arena 7 and the LEGENDARY ARENA!! Make sure to be excited for it!!
Previously... I talked about the arenas in Clash Royale about The Training Camp, Arena 1 and 2. I also explained the cards in the Arena. These are the arenas that I explained:
If you want to know why they are in the common, rare or epic card, or why I chose the card to be the best, please refer to the previous tutorial for more Training Camp to Arena 2 information. Thanks for your corporation!!
Arena 3 to 4
Arena 3
Arena 3, this is where the challenge started. Only 20% of the players are weak. You must be careful that how you battle!These are the cards you can get when you're in Arena 3(go horizontal):
Canon- shoots weak troop quickly
Barbarians- 4 good melee troops
Rocket- Launching a missile to the air and have high damage.
Barbarian Hut- Spawns 2 barbarians every 14 seconds!
Rage Spell- Speed the troops so they can damage the crown tower or the troops more.
X bow- Shooting deadly arrows quickly and able to shoot the crown or King tower.
The 3 best cards...
Arena 3 Strategy
In Arena 3 people will spawn rage spell on the strong troops. For example, they will spawn Prince first and then the rage spell. The Prince will sprint faster and hit your crown tower. Why not spawn a "meat shield"- Giant? The rage spell will eventually run out and the Prince is no longer rage. If the opponent spawns a X bow, spawn your strongest troop in your deck because X bow need 3 seconds to ready and attack(it is so slow that you can see a turtle passed by...). Combinations
Prince and Rage spell- Damage the crown tower a lot better
X bow and Witch- The witch will guard the X bow while the X bow loads...
Bomber and Barbarians- Barbarians will distract the crown tower while the bomber throw the bombs!
Your combination- post your combination in the comment below and give the reason!!
Arena 4 Arena 4, a P.E.K.K.A. that full with dangerous looking lava, you need to have 1100 trophies and above to reach there. These people are stronger than the Arena 3 people, you must be good in troop managing!These are the cards that you can get in Arena 4(go horizontal, again!): Common:
Tesla- It only appears when your troops go close to it!
Minion Horde- 6 minions attack at a time, how cool is that!
Inferno Tower- Hot lava laser that shoots air troops too!
Hog Rider- Just keep running and shout:"HOG RIDER!!"
Freeze spell- freeze troops or buildings in the area. Frosty...
P.E.K.K.A.- Could say the main character of the arena. High damage(700 per hit!).
The 3 strongestcards....
Common Arena 4 strategy
In arena 4 there are more stronger opponent to face to beat them, you need to improve your elixir management. The cheaper the elixir used, the better strategy you can do. If they uses Minion Horde, just use the arrows and you are done and he wasted 5 elixir for NOTHING!!! If they spawn a P.E.K.K.A. you can spawn Skeleton Army so the P.E.K.K.A. will eventually die and they wasted 7 elixir for killing some skeletons...
Balloon and P.E.K.K.A.- They have nice high damage.
Giant and P.E.K.K.A.-Giant has long health and distract the Crown tower while P.E.K.K.A. do the super high damage
Hog Rider and Minion Horde- The Minions will protect the Hog Rider so he is safe to the Crown Tower.
Freeze Spell and Prince- Freezes the Crown tower so Prince won't take damage.
Your combination- Comment below and give the reason!!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I am going to finish this topic:"Arenas and Cards" in about 2 more posts. Make sure to be excited for it!!
In Clash Royale, you need to go higher arenas to collect more cards. In this post, I will show you the Arenas from the Training camp to Arena 2 and the cards you can get from there. The Training Camp This is the "Training Camp". This is where you play with at the start of the game. The "player"(which is the game) will play with you. The cards you can get are(going in the horizontal way):
Arrows- Good at killing weak troops, e.g. Archers, Goblins, Skeleton, Skeleton Army and more.
Bomber- Good at dealing area damage.
Archers- Can harm air troops and fast.
Knight: Long health and quite decent attack.
Fireball: Good at damaging the crown tower.
Mini P.E.K.K.A.- High melee damage
Musketeer- Damage both air and land troops.
Giant- Great at defending and distracting.
Prince- Good when he sprints(the damage doubles!).
Baby Dragon- Good at dealing area damage.
Skeleton Army- They will surround the enemy and kill it.
Witch- Spawn 3 skeletons whenever she wants!
As you see the edge of the card have some colours. The edge with no colour are common cards. Orange are rare, and purple is epic!
Training Camp Strategy
Most of the time the "player"(the game) will spawn skeletons, which is only costing him 1 elixir. Although it is cheap, it is weak(it rhymes though). You can kill them with Musketeer or Archers or any that is stronger than them(actually all cards are stronger than them). So you actually do not need to care them(only in training camp, not other arenas, because people may like the cheapness and upgrade them to be stronger, so beware!) because your crown tower can shoot them all!
Arena 1
This where you started playing with people(Multiplayer!), and you must be extra careful because you will get your trophies deducted and YES there are trophies in Clash Royale. You will get maximum 30 trophies and you also be deducted by 29 trophies the most.These are the cards(go in horizontal way!):
Spear goblin- They can throw spears from far away and it is harder to be killed by melee troops.
Goblin: Like Spear goblin, but they are melee attackers. High damage if hit by three of them!
Goblin Hut- Spawn a goblin every 5 seconds!
Valkyrie- Spins around and kills surrounded enemies easily, e.g. Skeleton Army.
Lightning Spell- Damage the crown tower a lot
Goblin Barrel- Spawn this anywhere in the arena!
The 3 strongest cards...
Arena 1 strategy
Lots of peopleget Prince in the training camp, some of them get Baby Dragon. If someone spawn a Prince, fight them back with Skeleton Army, they will surround the Prince and die.The technique is good and awesome but if the opponent spawn arrows, the skeletons eventually die due to their short health! If someone spawn a Baby Dragon, the first step is to calm down and be patient and put a Musketeer and soon the Baby Dragon will die. Why? Because of the Baby Dragon's attack is weak and Musketeer is strong(although Baby Dragon has longer life than the Musketeer).
Prince and Goblin Barrel- Prince distracts the crown tower while goblins, ATTACK!!!
Prince and Mini P.E.K.K.A.- They have high melee damage!
Prince and Valkyrie- If the opponent spawns Skeleton Army, Valkyrie will do the job!
Giant and Goblin Barrel- Giant has long health and can take the damage of the crown tower while again goblins, ATTACK!!!
Bomber, Archers and Goblins- They are all cheap!!
Your Combination- Comment Below and say why!!
Arena 2
If you get trophies more than 400, congratulations you are a member of Arena 2. Beware, there are more stronger players in Arena 2(while some are weak!!). The cards in Arena 2 are(go horizontal, again!):
Skeleton- It only cost 1 elixir!
Minions- They are fast and the more minions there are, the higher the damage!
Tombstone-Spawn 1 skeleton in 3 seconds, and spawn 4 skeletons after breaking the tombstone
Bomb Tower- Great area damage
Giant Skeleton- Drops a bomb when dead.
Balloon- Not bothering other troops and drops a bomb when dead.
The 3 strongest cards...
Arena 2 strategy In Arena 2, the players get smarter. And you, YES it is your chance to shine yourself from the darkness. Think outside the box. How can I killed the skeletons, skeleton army and minions with one shot? The only way is to just spawn a 3 elixir arrows to kill them all. If your deck have no arrows, try to use the 4 elixir Valkyrie. Just a few spins and all dead(the crown tower will do the job of killing the minions!). Then how do I stop the balloon to attack my crown tower? Think all the air troops and land troops that can killed him. It is Witch and Musketeer! They both can kill the balloon because of their high damage caused to the balloon! Mini P.E.K.K.A. also could kill the Giant Skeleton!! Combinations
Prince and Balloon- The Prince distracts the crown tower and balloon can do high damage to the crown tower. ATTACK!!!
Giant and balloon- Giant can distract the crown tower too and balloon do high damage. ATTACK!!
Minions, goblin, Goblin barrel- they are too many to kill them all!
Skeleton, Spear Goblin, Goblin, Minions- they are also too many to kill them
Your Combination- Comment below and say why!
Hope all of you enjoy reading and please comment below for any questions or ideas.
By the way I am going to finish this topic:"Arenas and Cards" in about 3 more posts. Make sure to be excited for it!!